today marks day 1 of the 30 for 30 remix challenge hosted by kendi everyday. kendi is an unbelievably adorable fellow texan, and is the fashion blogger to whom i'm most loyal. her photos are to-die-for good, but i think her hilariously sarcastic commentary is what keeps me coming back.
the basic gist of the challenge is that you choose 30 items from your closet to remix into different combinations for 30 days. kendi says accessories like jewelry, belts and scarves don't count, and i refuse to argue.
when i first started picking my items, 30 seemed like a lot. then i hung them all together. it looks like a very small amount of clothes for an entire month. but, that's why it's a challenge, right? along with the remix challenge is a challenge to abstain from shopping for 30 days. that will be nothing but good for my bank account. additional bonus: way less laundry.
below is some evidence that i have selected 30 things from my wardrobe. i decided not to do more detailed photographs because 1.) it takes too long and 2.) you'll see each piece many times over the next 30 days!
first outfit coming up later tonight.
wish me luck!
here are my choices.
I love that you have such fun shoe colors and no black!!